Our Story

In 2017, FarmHouse Rescue President and founder Danielle Judd was in recovery from a severe life-threatening illness that kept her hospitalized for months. Her depression deepened from the side effects of her illness, including seizures, partial hearing and vision loss, memory loss and brain damage. Remembering the vow she made to God during organ failure, promising if given another chance to focus her life and talents helping others and make this world better. 

After rescueing a horse, she realized the horse rescued her. That was the start of FarmHouse Rescue, and the beginning of all the work today. 

Since then FarmHouse Rescue has saved over 70 farm animals that have helped heal countless amounts of humans. These animals act as ambassadors and therapists to volunteers and guests visiting our 28- acre farm sanctuary located in Orange County California. 

Today you will find more than 70 farm animals, each with an individual rescue story that are there to  help heal more humans in need. 


Saving the lives of animals to restore purpose and hope to humanity.

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